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Cambridge Game Jam 2024 is a 48 Hour Game Jam hosted in the William Gates Building (Computer Laboratory) by the Game Jam subcommittee of the Cambridge University Computing and Technology Society (CUCaTS).

You will have 48 hours to build a game in teams or individually based around a given theme that will be announced at the beginning of the jam!



17:00 - Introductory Speech

19:00 - Lab closes


09:00 - Lab Opens

12:30 - Lunch

18:00 - Dinner

19:00 - Lab Closes


09:00 - Lab Opens

12:30 - Lunch

16:00 - Submission Deadline!

17:00 - Test out each other's games

18:00 - Prize ceremony


Entry rules

  • Participants must be students of any UK university (studying any course!) or academic staff of University of Cambridge.
  • Participants from the University of Cambridge can choose to participate either online or in-person, but all other participants must participate online.
  • Team sizes are limited to 5 people - if your team size is greater than that, we will split you into smaller groups.

Submission rules

  • Submissions will be made through the online service
  • All submissions to the Jam must follow our Code of Conduct.
  • You retain all rights to any games and other content you make during the jam.
  • It is in the spirit of the jam to make the majority of code and assets you are using in your game during the jam however you can use any assets you are legally allowed to use as long as you credit it correctly in your submission.
  • Submissions must support Windows 10/11 or Web at minimum.
  • Submissions must not require additional software to be installed in order to run.
  • You may submit compressed .zip/.rar/.7zip file if the submission is too big for ( has a 1GB limit).


What is a Game Jam?

Is food provided?

Yes! Snacks will be supplied throughout, and meals will be provided as listed on the schedule.

Who can join?

How do I sign up?

What size team can I be in?

Where is it?

I don't want to work on my own, but don't know how to find a team

What should I bring?

How does online participation work?

Further questions

Organising Committee (in alphabetical order)